Is there any way to hide "ship from" variation to customer ?


Active Member
Hi all, just one quick question : Is there any way to hide "ship from" variation to customer on each product page ?

I asked this in order to for my customers not to worry about this or hide the fact that the product is made/from China, and also to ease buying process hiding useless option boxes (for them).

Is there any way to automate the shipping from option depending on customer adress ?

Like puting a rule like : Customer from these countries X,Y,Z ---------> only show/tick/select "ship from" this warehouse in woocommerce (without showing them the variation selected for his country).

Thanks for you input.



Staff member
Hi all, just one quick question : Is there any way to hide "ship from" variation to customer on each product page ?

I asked this in order to for my customers not to worry about this or hide the fact that the product is made/from China, and also to ease buying process hiding useless option boxes (for them).

Is there any way to automate the shipping from option depending on customer adress ?

Like puting a rule like : Customer from these countries X,Y,Z ---------> only show/tick/select "ship from" this warehouse in woocommerce (without showing them the variation selected for his country).

Thanks for you input.


I wouldn't recommend editing the "ship from" variations as it will mess up all of the variations for this item. There is no option in our plugin to hide this variation neither, but you can probably try hiding it with CSS.
There's no way to automate the shipping from option depending on customer adress, sorry.


Active Member
Thanks Igor.

More direct to the point : Suppose you want to make a 2 or 3 langage dropshipping site to target more audiences.

How who you proceed to ease the customer buying process when you have these warehouse shipping options for some products :

Ships from : Russian federation, China, Spain, US

I've sometimes seen 4 warehouse location choices on Aliexpress for products i want.

My fear is that the more choice you give the customer, the more hesitation and confusion there is.

If someone has kind of solution for this i'm in ! ;-)



Active Member
Thanks Igor.

More direct to the point : Suppose you want to make a 2 or 3 langage dropshipping site to target more audiences.

How who you proceed to ease the customer buying process when you have these warehouse shipping options for some products :

Ships from : Russian federation, China, Spain, US

I've sometimes seen 4 warehouse location choices on Aliexpress for products i want.

My fear is that the more choice you give the customer, the more hesitation and confusion there is.

If someone has kind of solution for this i'm in ! ;-)


yes, that's possible, just edit product --> scroll down to Product Options --> then go to Variations and delete the "ships from" option you need.

Ant Fer

New Member
yes, that's possible, just edit product --> scroll down to Product Options --> then go to Variations and delete the "ships from" option you need.

If you do this the product always says out of stock and clients cannot order! I also need a solution. This is a mjaor problem for my clients.


Active Member
If you do this the product always says out of stock and clients cannot order! I also need a solution. This is a mjaor problem for my clients.

well, that doesn't happen in my case, it only happens if I lower the stock to 0 in the General tab.

Ant Fer

New Member
If it's a product with many variations and shipping sources. If you remove shipping sources from attributes it messes up the variants. So far I haven't found an easy solution.

David White

New Member
If it's a product with many variations and shipping sources. If you remove shipping sources from attributes it messes up the variants. So far I haven't found an easy solution.
I think I may have the solution you're after...

I found a plugin which stops this from displaying in the additional information tab. It's called "Hide WooCommerce Product Shipping Information" and you can search for it in the Plugins repository or grab it from

It hasn't been updated for two years but it seems to work fine on the latest version of Wordpress using a basic Storefront-type template. Give it a try! :)


New Member

I wouldn't recommend editing the "ship from" variations as it will mess up all of the variations for this item. There is no option in our plugin to hide this variation neither, but you can probably try hiding it with CSS.
There's no way to automate the shipping from option depending on customer adress, sorry.

Do you know how to hide the "Ship From" table row with CSS?

There is no selector with CSS. If you use JQuery it will load and disappear thereafter resulting in a bad user experience.

Thank you


New Member
HI,I am very anxious and want to know why ali express do not show me the "Ship From" option when everyone else has it? there anything I need to install to see that?..Please someone help me solve it..TIA