Products change to draft even when their status has not changed


New Member

All of my products (except 2) always revert to "Draft" even though I have the settings set to do nothing when price changes.

The only thing that is supposed to update is stock quantity at 15 min intervals. They are all still available on AliExpress so their status hasn't changed

Please help!


Staff member

All of my products (except 2) always revert to "Draft" even though I have the settings set to do nothing when price changes.

The only thing that is supposed to update is stock quantity at 15 min intervals. They are all still available on AliExpress so their status hasn't changed

Please help!
I also have this problem. Anyone got answers?
If the products go to draft mistakenly when you have auto-updating enabled, this probably means that your IP has been blocked by AliExpress.
In this case we recommend to turn off the auto-updating for a few days and revise your auto-updating settings - set the interval at Once or Twice Daily.

If it still doesn't work properly, please send the access to your WP admin area to


New Member
Is this because AliDropship is scraping the AliExpress product pages? Is there no way to access the information via their API?

My IP appears to have been blocked for this reason. Considering the automatic update only updates one product at a time, it doesn't seem like a very useful feature at all. It would take months to get through my inventory at the rate of one product per day. Which means the only truly viable option is running a manual update on a daily basis. Which is certainly better than nothing, but still a pain.


New Member
Which actually raises another question. Does running one manual update of 96 products once daily raise the same flags as updating one product every 15 minutes (totaling 96 products every day)?

Victoria Kudryashova

Which actually raises another question. Does running one manual update of 96 products once daily raise the same flags as updating one product every 15 minutes (totaling 96 products every day)?

We recommend to use manual update now, and we are working at improving auto-update function.

Sriranga R

New Member
Published products are getting switched to drafts. Facing this issue since two days. Hope this issue gets resolved soon.
This problem has been around for a while. I turned off auto-updates a long time ago. :( Aliexpress made it even worse by the fact they are now requiring captcha, and locking out IP address because of too frequent query. Even last night, while looking for products and browsing as a user, they locked me with a captcha, then again and again. so I had to quit for while. PITA.

Anyway, on update, It appears that using the manual update works ok, but we got 400 items and it takes a while and eventually starts asking again for capture. We also find that it does not need every day, but every few days is more than adequate as 'most' vendors do not change that often. in our case anyway.

We also noticed you can sort of turn the update on and off. when using the manual update option, after it is running, you can click the button again and it stops. you can even come back later to the page and it will pick up where it left off. the updates has a log and keeps track.
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