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AliExpress cashback

AliDropship Original version

Yaroslav avatar
Written by Yaroslav
Updated over 4 months ago

The word 'cashback' literally means 'getting your cash back'. The cashback system lets you get part of the money you spend online back. The cashback scheme works as follows: you click a special affiliate link and purchase the desired products on AliExpress. After the products are delivered, part of the cost is returned to you on your affiliate account. Then you can withdraw your money, getting an additional bonus to your main dropshipping source of income.

Our cashback allows everyone who is making purchases on AliExpress to buy things more profitably regardless of the country they live in. Cashback size depends on the number of purchases. The more you buy, the bigger the cashback is. You just click the Place Order button on the plugin to process the orders for your clients on AliExpress and get a commission on every purchase.

To start using a cashback system you need to register with the EPN program, get your affiliate link, and connect it to the Plugin.

Commission rate: up to 8%

Approval time: instantly

Payouts: once a week

Withdrawal options: PayPal, Wire transfer

Commission structure:

AliExpress EPN cashback program

Go to AliDropship → Settings → General in the AliDropship plugin panel and click the EPN AliExpress link.

You will be redirected to the EPN site. Log in to your account or register button as a webmaster.

Enter your email address, create a pass, and click Create an account. Alternatively, you can use one of your social media accounts to register.

You will be notified of successful registration and redirected to your account.

To get started, visit the link sent to your email inbox to activate your account.

Create a traffic source. Go to My Traffic Sources → Add Traffic Source. Paste the URL of your site, select AliExpress in Offer and Cashback service in Category. Then click Add Traffic Source.

Now go to Tools → Deeplink in your EPN account. Add a name (enter any name you want – this field is only for your convenience), select AliExpress offer, and paste the link to Click Create Deeplink.

Scroll down the page and click the link icon.

Copy your affiliate link.

Go to AliDropship → Settings → General in your AliDropship plugin. Paste the affiliate link in the AliExpress Cashback section. Click Save Changes to finish.

Once you have added the link and saved changes, all your orders placed on AliExpress will bring you up to 8% commission on your EPN account.

Instructions on how to withdraw money from your EPN account can be found HERE.

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