Reviews Page
Dimitrios avatar
Written by Dimitrios
Updated over a week ago

With the help of the Reviews Page add-on you will be able to create a so-called 'Trust Page' for your site. You can collect all reviews for the products you sell at your store and organize them in a neat and attractive way in one place:

You can order this add-on here.

To install the add-on, go to the Plugins area → Add New and upload the zip file you have downloaded from the Thank you page or from the email you received after the purchase. Click Install Now.

Activate the add-on and your license key.

Before getting started, you need to have some already imported reviews for your published products. You may refer to this guide, in order to make it.

After you've imported some reviews for your products, let's go further. Go to the Reviews Page dashboard and click Create Page:

You will see a window where you need to give your reviews page a name. Let's call it 'Trust Reviews'. Click Edit, fill in your name for your reviews page and click Save:

You can also paste the code [reviewspage] into the code of the Homepage in the Article section. This feature is available only for those themes which have such Article section in the Customization tab. For example, Dali, Davinci, Davinici2, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Flatsome themes have the abovementioned Article section. In order to limit the amount of reviews on the Homepage, you need to add a number to this shortcode, for example [reviewspage limit='5']. That will limit the reviews number up to 5.

In order to reach it, you need to go to Customization → Home → Article:

Important! If you are using Andy Warhol Theme and want to show your reviews on the Homepage, you also need to disable the Infinite scroll in the Customization section:

You can check that your reviews page has been created by clicking View Page. Though, it is empty now and contains no reviews at the moment. So, let us continue to fill this page with the content.

Click Settings:

Here you can manage your imported reviews just like the way you want:

First of all, you can select only the reviews, which comply with particular Star Options:

  • 3 stars and higher

  • 4 stars and higher

  • only 5 stars

Also, you can select countries of origin for reviews you want to be displayed on your reviews page. Let's suppose, you target customers from France, Germany, USA, UK and Canada. In this case, you may select these countries: 

Selecting only these countries, you and your customers will see reviews only from these destinations. But of course, you can open all borders for your reviews page and select all 241 countries from the list.

Also, you can make a decision about images for your reviews: to import all of them, or with images only:

What is more, you can even generate names for reviews' authors instead of these A****r and M****a from AliExpress if you like:

These will be the names which are randomly generated according to reviews location. You can also select a proportion between male and female reviews, for example in case your products are gender-targeted somehow.

When you are ready, click Apply Settings.

Let's continue with design customization of your reviews page. Click Customization:

On this page you can select the appearance of all elements of your reviews page:

You can also generate a new photo and name for any review if you need. Just go on your Reviews Page on your site and click this refresh button as shown on the screenshot. You will get a completely new photo and a name for the same review:

There is also a preview feature on the right side of this page, so you can monitor all the adjustments you make at once:

When you are ready, click Apply Settings. Your reviews page is complete now.

You can always order the Setup Service for this add-on here:

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