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Dimitrios avatar
Written by Dimitrios
Updated over 2 months ago

AliShipping is a smart tool which helps you to import shipping methods from products on AliExpress directly to your products on your website.

You can order it here.

To install the add-on, go to the Plugins area β†’ Add New and upload the zip file you have downloaded from the Thank you page or from the email you received after the purchase. Click Install Now.

Activate the add-on and your license key.

Important! To use AliShipping tool, make sure that AliDropship extension is installed on your browser and Alidrosphip Plugin.

Note: different products added to cart will have separate shipping methods (even if products are from the same supplier).

Before using Alishipping add-on, please, authorize in API first. How to authorize in API look here.

Here you can set up the Alishipping add-on for your purposes. In "Company" block you will see shipping methods for products. You can rename them in the "Name" column to display those names on your store's checkout. Also you can disable any shippings if you don't want to show them on your checkout.
​Note: you can't preload shippings in bulk anymore. Shippings load and save only after they appear on checkout.

Clear Shipping button clears all your saved shippings.

You can load shippings for a particular product in product's settings:

Shippings calculate "online" at the checkout page. When your client gets to the checkout page and set country and its state shippings appear. It works through Aliexpress API so shippings are the same as on Aliexpress.

Shipping prices update automatically through API.

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