10 People to Test US Warehouse

Sergei Levchuck

Staff member

We are testing a faster way to ship products to customers and offering you to take part. This offer might be interesting to those, who:
1. Have Premium Products subscription;
2. Regularly receive new orders and would like to improve customer experience for their store's visitors.

There is a number of Premium Products that we can ship for you from our US warehouse. The shipping time from the warehouse is up to 10 times faster than the shipping time on AliExpress.


If you'd like to take part, please find Zulfiya Saitbattalova on Skype or contact her at zulfiya.saitbattalova@aliexpress-na-russkom.ru.

We do not have the capacity to process orders for a lot of people, so this offer is limited to 10 first applicants.

Best regards,


Well-Known Member

We are testing a faster way to ship products to customers and offering you to take part. This offer might be interesting to those, who:
1. Have Premium Products subscription;
2. Regularly receive new orders and would like to improve customer experience for their store's visitors.

There is a number of Premium Products that we can ship for you from our US warehouse. The shipping time from the warehouse is up to 10 times faster than the shipping time on AliExpress.


If you'd like to take part, please find Zulfiya Saitbattalova on Skype or contact her at zulfiya.saitbattalova@aliexpress-na-russkom.ru.

We do not have the capacity to process orders for a lot of people, so this offer is limited to 10 first applicants.

Best regards,

I will send to Zulfiya Saitbattalova