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How An Amazon Store Selling Pet Care Products Bagged $20 Million!

By Denis K.

Cover for article about pet care

You know what’s truly awesome? Not just the joy of cuddling with our fur-buddies, but the idea of pet supplies dropshipping could net you a jaw-dropping $20 Million! 

For all of you who’re new to the world of eсommerce, imagine this: A place where you can browse for the quirkiest of products while still in your pajamas. No, not the supermarket aisle on a lazy Sunday, but the vast universe of online shopping. And among these galaxies of opportunities, Amazon stands as the giant star, guiding novice sellers and buyers alike. Advanced algorithms now allow online marketplaces to easily advertise their products to potential customers. Just look at how quickly the demand for pet products is growing!

If you’ve ever thought ecommerce and pets don’t mix, let me introduce you to the mastermind behind a flourishing Amazon store, that’s all about pet care!

Pet supplies dropshipping: Is it actually a goldmine?

A pet care business is a way to combine one’s passion for animals with a lucrative business model. Doing something you love for a living is something that everyone aspires to achieve, but not everyone gets to experience.

According to Statista, the global pet care market has been booming and is expected to grow even further.

You experience immense financial liberation after trading your 9 to 5 job for a deeply satisfying business in a sphere that interests you personally. With control over your own schedule, full freedom of action and an ability to make more money than you’ve ever hoped before, you can really change your life!

We’re a world obsessed with our pets. Pet parents love splurging on their furry friends. There’s a sense of pride, a dash of indulgence, and a whole lot of love.


A study by Packaged Facts suggests the pet products industry has been seeing consistent growth, thanks to pet owners viewing their pets as family members and wanting nothing but the best for them.

Don’t like cats? Fun fact: it’s not something that can stop you from making millions by selling cat products that both cats and their owners will love!

What if you actually love cats? Then why not put this love to good use and generate $20M+ in sales?

Intrigued to know how? Let’s learn from the shining example of Pieviev, a company that’s made a whooping $20 MILLION by simply selling the most basic pet care products on Amazon.

Pieviev: The good boy of Amazon


If you’re scratching your head and thinking, “Wait, what’s so special about selling pet care items?”, you’re in for a surprise. Pieviev isn’t your regular pet store.

It has cracked the code to pet owners’ hearts (and wallets), leading to a whopping $20 Million in revenue!

You don’t even have to be a pet owner to know how messy animals can get and how difficult it can be to keep your place tidy with them around.

On average, a pet owner spends over 800 hours a year cleaning up after their furry friends. And, since in the last 28 years the number of pet owners in the US has increased by 83.1 million, there’s an ever growing demand for pet hygiene products.

Pieviev gets those special moments that are universal for pet parents. The brand understands that our fluffy pals are not just pets but family. Pieviev prides itself on delivering quality products that make those moments even more memorable.

Such products include the most basic nail trimmers, cat litters, seat covers, scratching pads and other simple items that help owners care for their four-legged furry friends and keep their homes clean and tidy. They just took it easy and stuck to the simplest care products, avoiding all the fuss. Simple functions, simple purpose, cool design and voila – $20 million in their pocket.

But, how did they do it?

  • Tuned into the pet pulse: Just selling products isn’t enough. Pieviev went the extra mile by understanding what pet parents truly desire. From durable toys to grooming kits, they’ve thought of it all.
  • Quality over quantity: This Amazon store ensures that each product is top-notch. By keeping pets and their well-being at the forefront, they’ve built trust with their customers.
  • Aff-purr-able pricing: One thing you’ll notice is their competitive prices. High-quality products don’t necessarily mean emptying your pockets, and Pieviev nails this balance.

Do you wish to know how to repeat their success in your own life? An ecommerce business as such is a lot easier than you might think. And a lot more accessible too, with AliDropship.

Replicate Pieviev’s success story NOW with a Custom ecommerce store!

Can YOU do it too?


Here’s where things get interesting. The answer is a resounding YES!

With platforms like AliDropship, even those who wouldn’t know the difference between a browser and a Dachshund can jump aboard the ecommerce train.

We offer:

  • Free online store setup

You read that right. A store where you can kickstart your selling journey without paying a dime!

  • Amazon store creation

Want to be the next Pieviev? We’ve got your back. With our expertise, you can set up your personal Amazon store in no time.

  • Expert assistance

From product selection to marketing tips, they handhold you through every step. This isn’t a journey you embark on alone!

Are you already excited to start but anxious of the risks? Don’t worry, it’s now easier than ever! Even a complete newbie can start an ecommerce business with minimal investments with the help of our specialists, who will guide you to success!

We ensure that your business gets off the ground with no risks involved and hold your hand through every step of the process. AliDropship provides two weeks of free trial, so you can give ecommerce and AliDropship a shot without a risk.

Unleas­hing your pet supplies dropshipping potential

Now, you might think, “But I read about another Amazon store selling pet products. How do I make my journey unique?”

The beauty of ecommerce lies in its vastness. Just as no two snowflakes are alike, your store will have its essence. It’s about creating a brand story, connecting with your audience, and offering them value.

As a closing thought, we’d say, dive in! The digital realm is vast and welcoming. And who knows? Maybe the next blog will be about your roaring (or should I say, purring?) success!

Are you inspired yet? Ready to take the leap into the world of pet supplies dropshipping? With platforms like AliDropship by your side, you’re not just starting a business; you’re building a dream. And for all the pet enthusiasts out there, remember: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single paw (or step)!

By Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’s audience.
1 Comment
Abdul majeed 8 months ago

Can please explain me how I start . And how much investment need.

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