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Organic promotion: Reels, Shorts, TikTok

Leveraging Short Video Content on Social Media for Organic Promotion

Imagine you’re an online store owner and you’re throwing this epic party (your online store) with the coolest items ever. But what’s a party without guests? Organic promotion is like sending out those golden invites to everyone, but without breaking the bank on a flashy event manager.

Unfortunately, lots of newcomers start panicking when it comes to promotion, they get to waste tons of money right from the start on paid ads, while giving up on the organic promotion completely. They do it before they even start!

It’s due to human psychology: we doubt something’s effectiveness if it’s too simple or easy to get, organic promotion is not an exclusion.

But you see, organic promotion is not just cool, but essential in 2023.

When you’re dropshipping, every penny counts. Wasting bucks on ads right off the bat? That’s like buying a magic unicorn when all you need is a donkey. Organic promotion, on the other hand, is all about growing your tribe naturally.

It’s getting people to stroll into your party because they’ve heard the music from a mile away, not because they got bribed with a flashy invite.

Plus, let’s be real, folks who come in through organic vibes? They’re the real deal. They aren’t just window shoppers; they’re in it for the vibe, the connection.

When they like, share, comment, and rave about your stuff, it’s genuine. And trust me, in the digital world, authenticity is like that secret sauce that makes everything better. But please, let the motivation to comment be positive!

Here’s a funny example of KitKat’s short video content piece from TikTok when they went viral not because of the whole ad’s entourage, but because they showed quite an inconvenient way of eating their product. And that triggered a wave of jokes, memes and sometimes…people’s rage!

Organic promotion is also about playing the long game. Sure, ads can give you a quick boost, like chugging an energy drink. But organic? It’s your balanced diet, keeping you running longer and stronger. It builds trust, credibility, and a community that sticks by you.

So, what do you do to get that organic growth?

In the digital age, attention spans have shortened, people need to get information in the most convenient, fast way.

Images and texts were cool in the 2010s, then we had the era of long YouTube videos and podcasts, longreads were okay. But 2023 (and the future) is all about short video content.

Short video platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have reshaped the way consumers interact with online content. Late millennials and zoomers (high-five, if you’re one of them), who popularized TikTok are no longer teens and kids – they’re fully solvent grown-ups.

Yes, they’re more likely going to be your clients and short video content is the key to attract them. So, here’s our checklist for you to make good short videos that convert.

1. Understanding the Platforms

We normally recommend using all of the possible platforms, however, if at this point you don’t have the possibility to upload videos here and there, you can choose between the platforms and focus on one of them first. You can then simply reupload videos from one platform to another, it’s not prohibited if you’re the creator of the content you upload. Well, we believe you won’t steal videos from others 🙂

A) TikTok:


Massive young audience.

High engagement rate.

Algorithms that can push content virally even for new creators.

In-app editing features.


Requires consistent posting to maintain engagement.

Content can be ephemeral with trends changing rapidly.

B) Instagram Reels:


Backed by the established Instagram user base.

Benefits from Instagram’s existing business tools.

Allows for integration with Instagram stories and posts.


Less organic reach compared to TikTok.

Discoverability can be a challenge.

C) YouTube Shorts:


Backed by YouTube’s vast audience and infrastructure.

Monetization opportunities as it grows.

Good for creators with an existing YouTube following.


Still in its early stages, so features and benefits are still evolving.

2. How to make nice short videos that attract attention.

For those new to short video content, here’s a checklist to ensure your content stands out:

  1. Define your niche: understand your target audience and tailor your content to their interests.
  2. Storytelling is key: despite the short duration, your video should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  3. Leverage trends: especially on tiktok, hop on trends but give them a unique twist related to your business.
  4. Ensure high-quality production: clear visuals and crisp audio are a must. invest in a good smartphone or camera and consider tools like tripods or external mics.
  5. Engage with your audience: respond to comments, engage with other creators, and encourage user-generated content.
  6. Consistency: regular posting can increase your visibility and engagement.
  7. CTA (call to action): encourage viewers to visit your store, like your video, share, or follow.
  8. Collaborate: partner with influencers or other businesses to expand your reach.
  9. Analytics: use platform-specific insights to understand what’s working and what isn’t. adjust your strategy accordingly.
  10. Diversify: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. use all three platforms for a wider reach, adapting your content accordingly.

In conclusion, while the world of short video content might seem overwhelming, its potential benefits for organic promotion are vast. Dropshipping businesses that can effectively leverage these platforms stand to gain massively in terms of reach, brand recognition, and ultimately, sales. It’s all about being genuine, staying updated with trends, and continuously engaging with the audience. Happy filming!