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How To Make $30,000 Daily Through Dropshipping While Exploring The World

By Denis K.

How To Earn $30K-A-Day While Traveling The World With Dropshipping

Picture starting your day with a view of the ocean’s vast expanse or planning your next travel destination over a leisurely cup of coffee. No rush-hour commutes or strict office hours – just the liberty to shape your day as you please. What if you could also earn $30,000 a day while enjoying such freedom, dedicating just 3-4 hours to work? It might sound far-fetched, but for Saamir Mithwani, this is just another day in his life.

While many are caught in the routine of a 9-to-5 job, eagerly awaiting the weekend, Saamir enjoys the freedom to travel, explore, and live life on his terms. His secret? A flourishing dropshipping business that allows him to work from any location in the world and sustain a lifestyle most only dream of.

In this article, we’ll delve into Saamir’s remarkable story, outlining the steps he took to find success and illustrating how you can embark on your own journey toward financial freedom. With just a few hours of work each day, you can set the foundation for a life filled with more choices and opportunities. Let’s explore the roadmap to making this dream your reality.

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Meet Saamir Mithwani: A day in the life of a successful dropshipper

Saamir Mithwani, a successful dropshipper

Do you remember our recent discussion about starting an online business? Well, let’s explore a real-life example. Imagine waking up in a luxury villa in Dubai, greeted by stunning views of the city skyline. For Saamir, this is just a regular Monday.

While many of us navigate morning traffic or rush to work, Saamir might be deciding whether to explore a new city or spend the day sailing on a yacht.

Total sales over time

Saamir dedicates about 3-4 hours daily to manage his online store, which impressively generates $30,000 each day. This success isn’t just a stroke of luck. Saamir operates several thriving brands, each consistently achieving six-figure revenues.

Total sales in July

What’s even more remarkable? His collection of online stores can earn up to $850,000 in revenue. But achieving this level of success required hard work and dedication. It wasn’t an overnight success.

Saamir’s journey involved persistence, adherence to a well-thought-out plan, and continual refinement of his dropshipping strategies until they were just right.

Saamir’s straightforward strategy for ecommerce success

Saamir Mithwani with his car

Saamir’s approach to ecommerce is refreshingly simple. He believes that success isn’t about having ample funds, vast experience, or exceptional skills. Instead, he emphasizes one crucial quality: persistence.

“You don’t need to be the smartest or the hardest-working person,” Saamir explains. “Persistence is key.” Interestingly, Saamir doesn’t fit the typical entrepreneur mold – he enjoys leisure time on TikTok, starts his day later, and often goes out. Yet, he has built a business that earns $30,000 a day.

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How does someone who considers himself “lazy” manage such a feat? Saamir sticks to a plan. His success, he insists, is all about staying the course and maintaining focus, proving that a well-executed strategy matters more than constant hustle.

Saamir also dispels a common myth: “Dropshipping’s not dead, guys.”

He’s confident that anyone can succeed in dropshipping with the right approach and a refusal to quit.

He shares a glimpse of his lifestyle to illustrate his point about the freedoms his business affords: “It’s 5 PM, and we’re about to board a yacht. While most people are wrapping up their workday or studies, we’re here, deciding on a whim to enjoy the sea. This flexibility, this freedom, is something everyone should experience.”

How Saamir built his dropshipping business 

A photo of Saamir Mithwani

Saamir often describes himself as “just an average person.” What distinguishes him, though, is his dedication to a simple principle: following through with his plan. He didn’t rely on shortcuts or secret strategies. Instead, he chose a business model – dropshipping – and committed to it until he achieved success.

In dropshipping, you operate as an intermediary, selling products online without managing any stock yourself. This model allows you to run your business from any location worldwide.

Success didn’t come overnight for Saamir. It required time, effort, and steadfastness. This unwavering persistence eventually enabled him to indulge in luxuries like global travel, high-end cars, and designer watches. He points out that to succeed, you don’t need to be the smartest, most diligent, or most talented – just committed to your plan.

Total sales a day

Today, Saamir manages three stores, each bringing in $25,000 to $30,000 daily, with total revenues often hitting $60,000. What he appreciates most about this business is its ability to generate income even when he’s away enjoying life. The stores continue to operate and earn in the background.

Dropshipping’s real appeal is the freedom it offers. You can travel as you wish, work from any place, and enjoy life without the usual pressures of traditional business ownership. The operations run smoothly on their own, and Saamir is confident that anyone can achieve this level of freedom.

The best part? Starting doesn’t require a significant investment, experience, or even much time. With platforms like AliDropship, you can launch your ecommerce store for $0 and with little effort. All that’s needed is a commitment to stick with the plan, allowing you to transform your dream of financial independence into reality.

Why dropshipping is still a smart choice

You might have come across the idea that dropshipping is on its way out – that it’s too crowded a market to break into successfully. However, let me share a different perspective that challenges this notion.

Take the example of Saamir, who often jokes about the misconceptions surrounding dropshipping. He says, “Sure, dropshipping is overcrowded. Best stick to your day job and let the rest of us handle this.” But his success tells a different story.

Dropshipping isn’t just surviving; it’s adapting and flourishing. It’s not about doing something entirely new; it’s about doing it better than anyone else. With the right approach – selecting products that people want, delivering excellent customer service, and employing effective marketing strategies – you can prosper in the dropshipping arena, much like Saamir has.

Here are three compelling reasons why dropshipping remains a viable business model:

  • Accessible entry point: Starting a dropshipping business requires minimal upfront investment. There’s no need to purchase inventory in advance, making it easier to get started.
  • Freedom of location: This business model gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere. Whether you’re on a beach in Bali or wandering through Paris, your business moves with you.
  • Ease of scaling: Thanks to automation tools, managing your business can be streamlined, allowing you to expand your operations effortlessly while investing minimal time.

Want the freedom to work from anywhere while earning an income?

If Saamir’s way of life appeals to you, the good news is that it’s within your reach!

Dropshipping offers anyone the chance to start an online business with the right effort and guidance. And with AliDropship, the path is made even simpler.

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By dedicating just a few hours each day to managing and promoting your store, you can create a profitable business that operates seamlessly – even when you’re sipping coffee in Paris or enjoying a villa in Bali. AliDropship makes building a successful dropshipping business straightforward and efficient.

Why choose AliDropship?

  • Everything in one place: With AliDropship, you can manage orders, add products, and connect with customers – all from one simple platform. It’s designed to make running your business easy, wherever you are.
  • Wide selection of products: You’ll have access to thousands of popular products that are ready for you to start selling. This lets you focus on growing your business while we take care of the rest.
  • Quick order processing: Thanks to our US-based fulfillment centers, orders are processed in just 1-3 business days. Your customers will receive their items quickly, while you enjoy a hassle-free experience.

How AliDropship helps you succeed from anywhere

  • No upfront costs: You don’t need to worry about large investments to get started. With AliDropship, you can begin your dropshipping business with no upfront costs – no need to buy inventory or rent warehouse space.
  • Full store setup: Not tech-savvy? No problem! AliDropship provides you with a ready-made online store that’s fully customizable. This means you can start selling products right away without needing to build anything from scratch.
  • 24/7 support: Need help at any point? The AliDropship support team is available 24/7 to assist with any questions or challenges you may face, whether you’re just starting out or already managing your store.
  • Technical support: You’ll have a dedicated manager to guide you through every step of the process, from setting up your store to troubleshooting any technical issues that might come up.
  • Marketing support: We offer one-on-one strategy sessions to help you grow your business faster. You’ll get the marketing tools and expert insights needed to attract customers and make sales quickly.
  • Automation tools: Focus on what matters most – whether that’s expanding your business or enjoying your time. AliDropship offers automation tools that handle everyday tasks, allowing you to run your business efficiently from anywhere.
  • Free courses & roadmaps: Want to learn how to promote your store effectively? We provide free courses and step-by-step guides designed to help you succeed quickly, without the need for additional investment.

What’s holding you back?
Get your free store today and enjoy a $100 gift voucher!

Experience the freedom of dropshipping

Saamir Mithwani’s journey shows just how impactful ecommerce can be. With the right approach, a positive mindset, and some dedication, you can create a business that gives you the freedom to travel, enjoy new experiences, and live life on your own terms.

The best part? You don’t need a large investment or any prior experience to get started. With AliDropship, launching your online store is simpler than ever. All you need is the drive to make a change and follow a proven plan.

Looking for more flexibility in your life? With AliDropship, you can build a dropshipping business that allows you to work just a few hours a day, from anywhere in the world.

There’s no better time to start! Ecommerce is growing quickly, and AliDropship is here to support you every step of the way. Take the first step today and start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.


By Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’s audience.